Saturday, March 1, 2008

Things Continue To Head South

Well it has been a little over a week but I wanted to wait until I could share some great news with you. On Thursday we verified that the Orphanage paperwork that we have been waiting on was approved by the PGN and our paperwork is now being placed in line for our final review. We are not sure how long this process takes but we are ready for whatever God allows. The Orphanage paperwork was suppose to take 45 - 60 days and was done in 2 weeks so God is working. We are headed down the last of March so we are praying that God could make a way for us to get them while we are there, but if not we still know that it is going to happen!

Fundraising is ourfocus right now. We are working with a few churches trying to line up speaking engagements. If your church would like to have us we would love to come and share about our ministry. The month of March we will be focusing on our monthly support. Right now we are 25% there, so we have some work to do. Our over all goal is to have 50 families at $30.00 per month. That sounds like a lot but we want a wide base so we can have more folks partnering with us. The more we have the more that are praying for the harvest. We are also working to have 10 churches at $100 per month. Right now we have 4 and 2 that we are talking to. I am sorry if I am boring you with this I just want to share with folks what are needs are so you can pray with knowledge.

We are excited about our house. We bought a microwave today and we have also found our kitchen cabinets. We are now looking for our dinning room table and we also found a really cool bunk bed that sleeps 3 which would be great for the boys. We have some furniture for sale and I will have pictures on our website on Sunday. We have a brand new set of solid oak bunk beds that will not fit in the new house. We also have a race car bed and some really cool lockers that go with the room set. Finally tonight we picked out our ceiling fans to go thought the house. This has really got Carla and the kids involved and excited about the move. One final thing about the kitchen. Carla's dad is a cabinet maker and she ask him to go and help hang them and they are going next week to get their passports. Carl has his scan done last Friday and gets the results this week so please pray!!!

Finally we have 6 teams from Knoxville coming down this summer. Pleas pray for them as they start their preparation. As I was coming home in December I read some scripture that God really revealed to me why we are to go to Guatemala. That scripture was again reminded to me just 2 weeks ago so I am sharing it below. With all of the struggles and worries about moving, when I read this scripture it all becomes clear and a total peace comes over me. Our God is so faithful to give us clear direction when we seek Him with our hearts. Below is our prayer list for this week. If you would pass this blog to your friends so they can sign up and begin to pray for us as we continue this great adventure we would greatly appreciate that. Our goal is to have 400 within our prayer network. Also my email address is if you would like more information about being involved in our ministry.

His Servant,

John 4:36-38
36The one who harvests is already receiving his wages and gathering a crop for eternal life, so that the one who sows and the one who harvests may rejoice together. 37For in this respect the saying is true: ‘One person sows, and another person harvests. 38 I have sent you to harvest what you have not labored for. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”

Prayer Needs
1. Carl - Carla's dad and his Lung Cancer.
2. Sponsorship Program - That more folks will choose to invest in our ministry.
3. Our House - That it will sell quickly!!!!
4. Our Guatemala House - That we can get the funds needed to ship everything. ($1900)
5. This is the #1 Request, pray for Genisis that she can stay healthy to get her transplant.

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