Sunday, March 16, 2008

In Guatemala

Hey Guys,

I wanted to share with you that I left on Sunday and I am currently in Guatemala. I will be here for two weeks so please pray that we can get a lot of work finished. We have to finish the sheet rock and paint the outside before next Monday. Carla is coming down with a couple of friends to paint the inside so we have to be done. Also we are so excited we got our van this week and it is really nice. I will try and post a picture later this week. I am going to cut my update tonight a little short because I will be updating a couple of times this week and next week. Listed below are our current needs and prayer request. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please email this to friends so they can get on the prayer list with us. Also check out our blog through out the week as we will be adding pictures of the house.

His Servant,


1. Funds for the Container. We still need $1900.00 to ship.
2. Need to sale 2 bedroom suites to buy a 3 child bunkbed. One is Nascar(Very Cool) and a Set of bunk beds that make a "T" and has a desk on the side.
3. Still needing about 25 sposors at $30.00 per month.


1. Genisis to have her Kidney Transplant.
2. Carla's Dad.
3. House to Sale.
4. Trip through Mexico.


Bound4Glory said...
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Bound4Glory said...
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Anonymous said...

Miss you and glad to hear things are going well!

Greg said...

Dude when you get home call me I may have abuyer for the beds
Glad to hear things going well