Thursday, January 17, 2008

Getting Techy

Is techy even a word. I am not sure but I am using it. If you look to the left we have added a new feature to the blog. Well really 3 or 4. We now have a slide show which we will change every week. We have also added a subscription link. If you enter your email address in the little box and follow 3 easy steps you will be added to our email list. We are excited about this because our goal with the blog is to keep you up to date with everything. So on that note lets get going.

We are so excited. On January 28th December Radio is going to do a concert at First Baptist Seymour to help us buy a van in Guatemala. We are also in full swing with our fundraising efforts to build our monthly support. We are still in need of 30 families to jump on board with us. We are also excited because Mike and Dottie Clark the founders of Casa will be in Knox ville for almost the entire month of February. They will be traveling to many churches in our area sharing about Casa. We are hoping that this will help people jump on board with us in this awesome ministry.

Please pray for us in a few areas.

1. Carla's Dad - We go for a new scan next week to find out if the latest Chemo has worked.
2. Pray for our support. It has been slow but we know it will pick-up with us setting our moving date.
3. Pray for the move. We are trying to line up a container which would be awesome. It is going to cost around $4000 so pray that God would allow that money to show up. The container right now has a ton of supplies for Casa on it and has been sitting for almost a year. So it would be awesome if we could get that moving.
4. Pray for upcoming teams in March and June. We have a lot going on right now with both teams. Pray specifically for cheap airfare.

Thanks for the support and Prayers!!!

His Servant,

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